Isn’t it annoying when one of our pipes got broken for some reason: that whenever you’re in a hurry, here comes a problem wasting our precious time by not working properly. Moreover, you may not be able to fix this on the spot because you don’t know how! You may call a person who is expert in fixing pipes and faucets but they cannot get into your location immediately. You will have to wait and that’s so hassle. To avoid such troubles, we must be knowledgeable when it comes to this kind of instances so the TESDA institution offers another short course that will help us in terms of repairing pipes as well as its maintenance and the like.
As mentioned above, Plumbing NC II: a short course offered by TESDA that will prepare you in acquiring skills which are in line with the assembly, installation, maintenance and pipes repairing, fixtures and fitting used for water distribution as well as wastewater disposal systems. Some may see this as a non-beneficial course but they are actually missing the point. This is one of the needed skills abroad which is taken for granted, most of the time. A lot of skills can be obtained when you enroll in this short course and you may check out each as you go on.

Aside from the skills or competencies mentioned above, below are some examples of other skills that you may acquire upon enrolling in this short course:
- -Preparing construction materials and tools
- -Observing procedures, specifications, and manuals of instruction
- -Performing mensurations and calculations
- -Maintaining tools and equipment
- -Preparing pipes for installation
- -Making piping joints and connections
- -Performing minor construction works
- -Performing single unit plumbing installation and assemblies
- -Performing plumbing repair and maintenance works
- -Conducting pipe leak testing
Course Duration
The hours allotted for Plumbing NC II takes a minimum of 162 hours to accomplish.
Admission Requirements
Common requirements for TESDA course include:-Copy of Birth Certificate authenticated by NSO
-Copy of High School or College Diploma
-Certified true copy of Transcript of Records or Form 137
-1x1 or 2x2 Pictures
-Certificate of Good Moral Character
Though, requirements may vary depending on the course or situation you are going to enroll at, we intensely advise that you proceed directly to the school or training center’s official representatives or other staffs who are in charge with the requirements for more precise and detailed information regarding the said matter.
In other Technical Vocational Institutions, they require people to finish Plumbing NC I first before being endorsed to take Plumbing NC II.
Those who are qualified graduates of Plumbing NC II may find employment as a plumber.Notion for Competency Assessment and Certifications
Those who are enrolled in the short course: Plumbing NC II may be required to undergo a competency assessment before graduation and is applicable to any of the courses you would enroll at. A National Certificate or NC II shall be issued to those will pass this assessment. Accurate and more detailed information about the Assessment and Certification.